Halloween Weekend in Waitsburg!

Waitsburg is a friendly town, but once a year, it turns into a town full of goblins, witches and ghosties. Trick or Treating is alive and well in our tiny town. Little kids holding hands with costumed parents, older kids ripping around town trying to score more candy than their friends, jack-o-lanterns everywhere. It’s all the things that I remember from my own childhood. Standard Disclaimer: that’s been a while!

BooGrass at The Plaza!

The Sunday before Halloween there will be a bluegrass concert at the Plaza Theater, on Main Street. The Plaza seems to be the perfect venue for Halloween, since it is rarely open, very old and maybe even…….a little bit scary (in a lovely, old-timey way!).

Rumor has it that Switchgrass Delta, The Whippersnappers, Jasper Mountain, Paul Gregutt and maybe even a few other folks will be playing on stage this year. We will be having a Silent Auction …..a fun way to start your very early Christmas shopping!

Town Hall Spaghetti Dinner

This year, on Halloween, Waitsburg’s Town Hall is hoping to help busy parents by hosting a spaghetti dinner for families. Children can be quickly fed, and dishes done, so that folks can get to the important business of trick-or-treating.

More Halloween events are planned, watch this space!
